Here are some common phrases and sentences you can use when speaking on the telephone The informal phrases are mostly for family and friends The formal phrases are for business and official calls and for calls to important people Caller unknown means the person answering the phone doesn't know who's callingIf you are new here please read this first Here's how to improve your spoken English when reading this article read it out loud, then read out loud the collocations highlighted in red 10 times each to memorize them, then look away from the monitor and try and say 3 sample sentences for each of those collocations!For best results record your speech so that you can go back, spotAnswer Answer to call for equality and freedom, and became one of the defining moments of the civil rights movement and one of the most iconic speeches in American history

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10 Fun and Easy Ways to Learn English by Speaking at Home 1 Sing Karaoke Singing karaoke is when you sing along to a song that doesn't have the vocal track, only the background music—so you're the only one singing It's really fun, but sometimes if you're with other people you can feel nervous and shySpoken English Tip #10 Learn real English phrases for everyday life Today, you have the opportunity to take an English course that focuses on useful English in the context of conversations The Everyday English Speaking Course is a simple, fun, and effective way to learn new phrases and expressions – and improve your speaking ability English is a language that is spoken all around the world, and learning to speak it can help you meet new people and advance your career Learning to speak English can be hard, but with practice and patience, you can become fluent in your new language
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Language discrimination is a subset of national origin discrimination Language discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of an individual based solely upon the characteristics of their speech;English Junior High School answered 6 I have several hobbies, for example 7 I can speak English in addition 1 See answer Bythne Bythne Answer I have several hobbies, for example playing guitar, cooking, doing make up, etc I can speak English in additionMeaning and Use In English, there are two basic types of question 1 Yes/no questions often begin with the verb to be, but can also begin with other auxiliary verbs, such as doWe ask these when

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In my new ebook Speak English!Languages in addition to English spoken across the two settings1 Of these languages spoken, there are 18 used by children and their families attending the settings In January 15, 34% of the children in attendance at the Day Nursery had English as an additional language and 80% of children at the Playcentre Part 2 Second Conditionals in English Zero vs First Conditional in English When I'm too tired to cook, I order takeout (zero conditional) If I'm too tired to cook tonight, I'll order some takeout (first conditional) These two sentences are very similar but there is a difference in meaning between the two – can you identify the

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